To achieve anything truly great, you can’t do it alone. You need a collaborative culture and community to come together. That’s where we come in.
The College of Global Population Health serves as the primary home for the University’s global and population health-related academic and research programs, helping to promote health equity and positively impact health outcomes near and far.
About the College of Global Population Health
Pursuing your degree at the first U.S. college of population health with a global focus means you will be the future of health. We seek to develop diverse, inclusive leaders who can drive cross-functional teams, navigate changing environments and develop a shared vision that can improve the health of populations across the globe.
Be part of the movement to serve the underserved, solve public health issues locally and globally, and build life-changing outcomes.
College of Global Population Health Programs
Pillars of the College
The college’s foundation is rooted in the academic pillars of community engagement, teaching and research, with each pillar designed to offer transformative opportunities for students and launch the University to new heights. Through these academic pillars, the college works to provide a panoptic and inclusive view of health to shed light on inequalities and create solutions to address them.
Meet the Global Population Health Dean
Led by Founding Dean David Steeb, Pharm.D., MPH, the college is dedicated to providing students like you with educational experiences that will help them become leaders who can transform the health and well-being of communities locally and worldwide.